ph: Lisa Smit
I wrote in a long time ago, back when I had my heart torn to pieces by someone who I thought was going to be there for much longer than he was. It was a depressing entry, one full of sadness and heartbreak. I can remember exactly how I felt as I poured out my soul to an anonymous blog.
Funny how things change in time.Looking back I really should of listened to everyone's advice of how time heals all wounds. It seemed easier to just be cynical and want to be left alone in my pain.
Imagine my surprise when one day that pain slowly started to go away. Like a wound fading into a scar, my sad self slowly started to fade and I became me again. I was finally letting myself be happy.
Than he happened.
This plain ordinary boy suddenly became extraordinary.
He started to give me all those feelings I thought I'd never feel again and eventually my fragile heart fell in love with him.
He is honestly the best thing to ever happen to me. Being with him is like every amazing feeling I've ever felt rolled into one.
I'm happy, so freaking happy.
There is something else I am which is hard to admit though. I am so scared. Scared of hurting again. My broken heart fell in love and healed itself around him. I broke so easy last time I don't know if I could survive losing this one.
Wonderboy I love you. So much more than anything else in this entire world. I just wanted you to know, you saved me.