ph: Emily Coghlan
They say that: if you can't help but to think about someone at least once a day, you should not give up on that person. Well. I'm thinking about you at least once every hour, so I guess I should grab you and never let you go?
I don't know what we are, or if we even have something, or if we can even be called a "we". We met trough mutual friends at New Year's Eve when I was back home from college visiting friends and family. And then we met when I came back once. And now I'm back in town again for a few days, but I haven't seen him- I don't know if I even want to.
Scared is what I am. Scared of realizing he's not into me like I am into him. Scared that if he is- I will fall for someone who's living far away from me and whom I won't be able to see for more than maybe once a month. I thought having a crush was fun, exiting and sweet. This is the absolute opposite. This gives me more heart ache than being miserable and totally alone.
How bizarre.