ph: danielle christine
i feel like this website too often expresses the love for another individual. and while i think that loving someone else is a necessity in life i think that we need to love ourselves before we can even consider to love anything or anyone else in our lives.
this may be coming out as a reaction and revolution of the current events that have just taken place in my life but now i know for certain that i can't do anything in my life unless i have the power to love who i am.
all life long we are told that we have to follow a specific line of events. college.intern.job.married.babies. i dont want to fall into this layout that society has planned out for me. i wanna lust after life with a courageous soul and adventurous heart. i wanna touch the four corners, i want to run after the sunrise in the grand canyon and i wanna climb the eiffel tower.
this could be why i just left my boyfriend for one year and my amazing internship. true they were great opportunities but they blinded me from who i wanted to be as an individual.
individual. ahhh i love the sound of that word. i'm going to embrace being me and love every single second of it. im going to love my emotional state of mind, my soccer thighs and inability to do cartwheels. i'm gonna soak up every little inch of myself and love it... and appreciate who i am.
too often we all get caught up in the day to day to do lists in our lives. but today lets take a step back and say " IM GOING TO EAT THIS HAMBURGER AND NOT FEEL FAT!" and just enjoy the life that we are all so blessed to have.
cest le vie my friends.
greet the day :)