This is to those crazy jealous girlfriends. I have to admit I am one of you. I never wanted to be, never thought I would be, but then I fell in love for the first time and found out what is like to see the love of your life with his ex. Last night I let my emotions get the best of me and freaked out when he hugged her…it was just a hug and I flipped. I don’t understand why I get so jealous. He’s mine all mine not hers and I know that and he knows that and he makes sure that I know that. He loves me with all his heart and shows it even when I get into bitch mode. He is my sweetheart and yet I treat him like shit when his ex walks into the room. He asked me this morning how could anyone that “loved” him treat him they way I did. I didn’t have an answer but now I do. It's because I love him so much because I never want to lose him or see him in someone else’s arms. I want him to be mine forever and at times I get selfish and stupid and freak out for no reason. But it’s because I’m so deeply in love with him. But I pushed him pretty far away last night. So far that I’m not sure he is coming back. But I pray to God that he does. Because if I lose him I don’t know what I’m going to do. So Nick this is my sincere apology. You’re my whole life you’re my whole world. I’m so sorry I turn in to a selfish bitch from time to time, my job in this relationship is to work on that, and I can tell you that I’m going to. And to all those other crazy girlfriends like me this is a warning, don’t let it get to the point of no return, change, it’s that simple. I know how you feel and I understand when jealousy gets the best of you but I’m sure your boyfriend loves you just as much as mine loves me (which is a shit ton) and if we are just crazy and freakin out all the time how are we showing them that we love them back, so work on it, all of you. That’s my advice for the day, basically to sum it all up crazy bitches need to stop being crazy bitches.
Always and Forever,